Well. Well. Well.
Tik Tok.
The platform that is the newest home to SJWs, is also the home of thieves.
Broke-assed, sorry-assed, bold, proud thieves.
Thieves so proud and bold that these assholes have no problem giving out tips on how to read books, (mostly romance books, but I am sure it is happening to authors of other genres) for FREE!
Yeah, the lil darlings have been doling out help on how to read the hard work of authors for FREE
The tips? Well, if you are a dishonest, broke, cheap smartass, you implement this stealing through Amazon.
QUELLE SURPRISE! Amazon whose name is whore in my book because they take money from anyone for anything. They also return it too. No questions asked.
But I digress.
As I was aying these lil shytes purchase an ebook from Amazon, read it then return it for a REFUND.That triggers a deficit for the author as the author has to pay for the return. So the only one profiting is the reader. I know of authors who have had their whole series consumed this way. One author had @8 books in a series and this happened to every one of the installments.
And Amazon does nothing. NOTHING. Don't the geniuses in the publishing arm of that business see a pattern? Are they even paid to think? You'd think Bezos would get tired of issuing refunds.Or doing extra transactions at the very least. But Jeffy is too nusy piercing the stratosphere to care because the publishing arm of Amazon operates at a loss. A loss that is offset by all the other stuff it sells. Soooo...Help from Jeff probably won't be coming any time soon.
There are authors who have ceased writing because of this theft. A petition started by authors is going around to stop this stealing. Will it work? Who knows. That would take someone at Amazon giving a shyte.
I would love to see romance authors who use Amazon as a publishing platform, stop giving a shyte and stop writing for a bit, or cease using Amazon to publish. Let the thieves twiddle their thumbs while searching elsewhere to steal.
Hey, you bottom-feeders out there! You aren't concerned with helping anyone but yourselves.
But I knew that.