
Friday, February 27, 2015

My Sexy Addiction - @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #Saturday7 #MSSAuthors #MSS81

Welcome to the 81st week of My Sexy Saturday, the blog hop sponsored by author Lynn Crain.

This week’s we’re doing something a little different. We hope to do this occasionally and that you’ll like it. Our theme is My Sexy Addiction. It’s an open theme in that we’re not going to say when or how or where. We are going to say – just one thing and that’s about the song – Addicted to Love. You remember it…don’t you? How about the line ‘You might as well face it you’re addicted to love’? And doesn’t that just say it all about us here at My Sexy Saturday?

We are addicted to love and all its many facets. Our sexiness can happen anywhere, anytime, day or night. People fall in love in many different ways. It could be on a date, at a school dance, on a hike, with the boy or girl next door, just anywhere two or sometimes more people or beings are drawn together because of that feeling called love.

We all know that love happens and we want to know all about those special moments where those entities realize there is an emotional bond between one another. It can happen on an average day, during the night, in the middle of a zombie invasion or maybe a place where it’s hard to tell the day from the night like in a submarine or deep in space. The one thing we do know it’s going to be hot…hot…HOT!

Visit the rest of the authors on the blog hop at

This week's snippet, @ seven paragraphs come.s from the first book in my paranormal series the self-titled, THE FELIG CHRONICLES. My duo, Nate and Tina, are trying to devise a way to fight the Felig while navigating the landscape of the "addicting deal" they've brokered between themselves.

“Tina, listen to yourself.” Nate laughed out loud and shook his head. “Where the hell is this place? What the hell kind of place would it be? A morgue freezer? The simple fact of existing—”

“Creates heat. I know.”

“Yep, sure does.” Nate looked off toward the suite's bedroom. His lips curved into that already familiar grin she had learned to read. “Heat. Like now.”

“Again? We just engaged for hours earlier this morning.” Tina bristled. “I don't know if I'll survive this deal.” She unzipped her hoodie and eased out of her Rykas.

Nate stood, took the garment and tossed it over the back of the couch. “Leave the rest on. I want to take it off.” He turned her in the bedroom‟s direction, hands settled on her hips. Walking close behind her, he whispered, “Besides, it's late. We've been talking all evening.” He nipped and licked her ear. “I can't help it if my business partner is incredibly desirable.”

“It's apparent you can't.” Tina reached a hand behind her and slid it into the waistband of his jeans. Finding his hot, growing flesh, she alternately gripped and fondled it. Keeping a firm hold, she pulled his groaning form along behind her.

“And neither can I.”

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