This tidbit is my contribution to the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday celebration. As I've said before, he was NOT the benevolent young preacher of '63 , a time when he gave his oft-quoted, oft-reinterpreted "I Have a Dream"speech, when he was slaughterd in '68.
King. Malcolm.X. Even Lubumba.
Men dedicated to waking up their people. Men killed in their prime. Men feared for the truths they were telling. Men who were sounding a loud chord to a slumbering populace.
Oh no. Ever wondered where the leaders are today? Or why there are no leaders, per ser? The reason why is explained in the article linked below.
Oh man. I wish I hadn't read this but I did. I also read the document prepared by the NSA (National Security Agency) where it basically said the U. S. gov't is scared of Black folks "waking up" therefore ANY person that might come on the scene and "agitate" us must be neutralized. Wow. So how does a gov't go about destroying a "messaiah?" From within.
C-O-I-N-T-E-L-P-R-O. J. Edgar Hoover's finest creation!/SugahData/Government/COINTELPRO.S.pdf
Watch the doc "The FBI's War on Black America." An eye-opening little piece of work
Yeah, I'm all over the places post. What I'm saying is I see scant progress for Black Americans in light of the regressive rhetoric coming from Washington now. COINTELPRO and the assasinations were effective as NO bright, shining beacon has arrived on the scene. Not even Obama. He was not threatening. He was seen as safe to lots of Whites despite the death threats he'd get on the daily during his presidency. Plus, there was no way in hell he could have come out and declared any kind of reparations for African American Descendants of Slaves. Mainstream America would have lost its collective shit. And they sure as hell could not afford to pay up anyway as there is no amount of money large enough to repay all that was taken for free. So, even though, mainstream America should feel comfy, it isn't. Nor am I. I don't know why. Probably because the atmosphere feels like it did when I was a kid. Tense. Uncertain. Unkind. Except for one thing: This time around there is no Black Messiah as the powers-that-be have seen to that.
J. Edgar Hoover