Ahmaud Arbery
Well. What an exhausting, frustrating garbage can few weeks it's been here in the States. As you know by now, video was released on two incidents where 2 Black, unarmed men were killed. One gunned down George Zimmerman-style, while jogging, after being hunted by a father/son duo who looked to be auditioning for the role of Hillbilly One and Two in a film; another was suffocated for allegedly paying for groceries with a fake twenty dollar bill., ON CAMERA by a cop. Their names? Ahmad Arbery and George Floyd.

A third incidence involved a young Black woman, who was asleep in HER HOME, IN HER BED when police crashed through the home's door at 12:30 am and started spraying everything and everyone in sight with bullets. @ 22 bullets were recovered; 8 had lodged in the body of Breonna Taylor. The cops were serving a "no knock" warrant at the residence. Such a warrant sounds like exactly what it is. They come in like gangbusters. These 3 cops were in plain clothes and did NOT announce who they were; therefore, Breonna's boyfriend returned fire (with a legally bought and registered firearm). like anyone else would if a group of men were busting into your abode. He was arrested for firing back because one of the Keystone Kops was hit in the leg. Later, it was revealed the cop who'd been hit, had been hit by "friendly fire."
Quel dommage!
Breonna Taylor
But the ass-kicker of this story is, they were at the WRONG HOUSE! The person they'd been looking for had previously lived there but had moved AND the perp had been arrested and was IN CUSTODY ALREADY! Talk about a lack of communication in that precinct!
The killings on video are stomach churning.I do not know which video is worse. Both are horrid. In one, Arbery is fighting for his life over a shotgun with Hillbilly One while Hillbilly Two watches. Oh, yes. Then we have a third man who'd been trailing and FILMING the whole deadly.fracas. I'll call him Hilbilly Three. Second, is the one with Mr. Floyd, handcuffed, lying on his stomach on the ground, pleading for his life, calling for his deceased mother as that turd Chauvin pins him by the back of the neck to the ground with a knee. Just rocking back and forth slowly. Putting all his weight into it. All the while, you see the light leave Mr. Floyd's eyes, and you see his face turn gray as he dies.
Eight minutes, forty-six seconds.
Poor Breonna. An EMT for the city of Louisville, KY. She'd been on the front lines doing her part in assissting those with COVID-19. And she gets killed at home. The place that is supposed to one's refuge. Lord, I do hope she went quickly. I cannot imagine being jolted out of sleep at !2:30 am to the sound of gunfire, then hit by a volley of bullets. I. JUST. CAN'T.
So, Black America erupted when it was revealed that NONE of the perpertrators of the violence had been arrested and charged. Well the riots didn't happen all at once for all three events. It hit a crescendo with Floyd's "digital lynching." It was the culmination of people tired of being seen as an afterthought when it comes to doing the right thing by them as it pertains to the justice system.. Black folks had had enough. Especially the youth.
George Floyd/Derek Chauvin

No. I didn't like seeing small businesses being destroyed. That was not cool. They were in our neighborhoods. From what I saw, yes, Black folks were stealing stuff and trashing stuff. And tossing bricks taken from a pallet, conveniently placed nearby? Really, bruh? Use your brain! BUT who were the masked, dressed in Black mostly WHITE folks who were defacing and trashing businesses? Several news clips (plural) showed instances of these "protesters" vandalizing establishments. I recall one clip where 2 White chicks were spraying "BLM" on the walls and windows of enterprises until 2 sistahs asked them Why they were doing it. The chicks couldn't answer and ran away when questioned further. These folks, I am certain, took off their gear later, collected their checks and rode home to the suburbs to leave behind a huge mess in a Black neighborhood. In the name of what? Solidarity? NAW. Controlled opposition strikes again. And y'all know what controlled opposition I'm talking about. That word that starts with A. White supremacydoesn't like losing and will play both sides of an argument.
Big enterprises like Autozone, Target, CVS, etc., will be re-imbursed through their insurances. I don't cry for them. This bump in their roads was a mere inconvenience. A little birdie told me that besides the crisis actors there were Alt-Right types out who'd infiltrated the protests to wreak havoc. I believe a number of the Caucasians in the crowds weren't there for George Floyd. I mean what made his death any different then previous ones? We'd been telling y'all for years how law enforcement and law enforcement wannabes are not our friends. There had been Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown and Eric Gardner and Freddy Gray and Korryn Gaines, and Atatiana Jefferson, etc. before George Floyd. His was not the first death to be documented.
This extremely violent rioting, I think, was a combination of Amurricans taking advantage of an opportunity to be outdoors as COVID-19 lockdown was getting to a lot of them, and I believe most importantly, it was a release of anger toward a gov't that clearly showed these Amurricans how it truly feels about them. A gov't that executed the biggest wealth transfer to the rich under the guise of "payments." But when it came to Amurricans, his buddy Uncle Sam tossed a few ducats at them and effed them over without lube just as much as he's been effing us Black folks over for centuries. Oh, there might have been a few souls out there genuinely who cared, who believed Black lives matter, but on the whole...Nope. If these Amurricans had really cared they'd have been protesting all along when the other murders went down. If they were to tell the truth, they know they were out there "protesting" due to job loss, no income, mortgages/rent due, car notes due on top of having had to be stuck in the house with people they discovered they didn't like. Things these Amurricans rarely had to deal with as there was usually a parent or grandparent or relative or some source of generational booty to get money from. But not this time. Everybody got burned. There were no "safety nets" to fall back on. Just like Black folks have not had for centuries. So, these Amurricans were marching with us because they were mourning themselves not George Floyd. They finally came to the realization that the gov't/those in charge/the Elites do not give a damn about them either. Hence, the looting and violence. They were "protesting" but not for the same reasons as us Black folks. On the other hand, the Black folks who were out there to be heard, were not part of those factions. As my Grandmother would have said..."A closed mouth don't git fed". So, at its root, Black folks opened their mouths. The sole reason any moves were made to arrest Chauvin was because the entire nation was burning not just Minneapolis. Something was done because something was done. Dr. King's peaceful tactics worked in the 50s and the 60s. Even he, at the end of his life, knew more forceful means were going to have to be enacted if we were going to be taken seriously. Like I have always said, he and Malcolm X were on the same page by the end of their lives..

Now for all you parrots who adore yelling "Well what about Black-on-Black crime?" And I say, "What about it?' Do not part your slack lips at me to pose that stupid question. I could ask, "What about White-on-White crime? Asian-on-Asian crime? Gay-on-Gay crime?" Look and read slowly so you understand. Crime involves two factors - proximity and opportunity. Get it? You tend to kill those you know and live around. Like when Brad whacks Becky. There is a whole industry on cable TV devoted to "When Brad kills Becky." Yet, I do not hear the lamentation about that. Hell, there are whole evenings on A&E and the ID Channel devoted to misssing White women. Missing White women who usually are found dead, bound in duct tape in a suitcase somewhere courtesy of husband Brad. Same goes for any ethnicity. Try perusing the online newspaper "Tokyo Reporter." Pretty eye-opening. So do not start with me about Black-on-Black crime. Do not use it as the reasoning that cops should get to kill us with impunity.
So, yeah. The unrest. The protests. The riots. All the result of being ignored, disrespected, discounted and used for target practice for centuries. Sadly, these murders will continue until Black people's humanity is seen. Will that ever happen? Maybe. What's needed? Well, the ones who need to do the "seeing" would have to cultivate a conscience concerning us. And from what i've seen, that a damned long shot.