Had not heard of this lady. But she broke some barriers. It's amazing how people back in the day thought this woman was Caucasian. How? You only have to LOOK, really LOOK at her and see she is not. But you had people then and you've got people today who when they see light skin and straight hair only see Caucasian. With the birthrate of biracial children, up, a lot of people are going to be "sooo confused" because a person will not appear as what they think that person should look like. Opposite case with that person who posed as a Black woman and got exposed this year. I have to admit that an old pro like me did a double take because I do have a hazel-eyed, sandy-haired aunt. But upon closer inspection, Ms Dolezal's bad spray-tan did her in. I saw her as the That-Chick-on-vacation-in-Jamaica-who-got-her-hair-braided that she is.
Anyway, back to Ms. DeVore. She made it through the Vogue School of Modeling because such an assumption was made about her. Good for her. Boy, I bet a pearl-clutching party ensued after that was exposed. Ms. DeVore,
dah-ling? Vogue on in the great hereafter.
credit: Black America Web
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