But in modern day, one would think mass blanketing of the globe with deadly infections would have been irradicated once simple hygiene and the undertaking of pre-cautions were introduced.
But no.

In the States at least, the masses' dependence and blind faith, over the decades, on pharmaceuticals to SOLVE everything has led to, IN MY CONCLUSION, to the lack of caring about whether one "catches" something or not. "Cuz there is a "pill" for it. Or a "shot" for it. Or a "cream" for it." Thank you, but I'll pass on all of the aforementioned "cures," if washing my hands and heeding how I conduct myself spares me.
"How I conduct myself?" she said. Yeah. It's called responsibilty.Now, I'm not talking about people who are immuno-suppressed due to real medical problems. Examples: asthma, organ transplant patients, people on meds for heart conditions, dialysis patients, etc. I'm talking about immuno-suppression due to crappy personal habits: excessive drinking, smoking or drug-taking. Yes, dears. You are immuno-compromised if you do any of that. Do no think you are safe 'cuz you aren't afflicted with a medical condition or you are not a frail, sickly elderly person. Combine any of those habits with ignorance of hygiene guidelines in today's COVID-19 world and you are a sitting duck for big trouble. Go on. Ignore handwashing or social distancing or eating whole, real food and taking supplements to boost your immune system. Go on. If that bug latches onto you, it will set up shop in your weakened immune system and wreak havoc and possible death.

Now, the flip side of this "pandemic" is the 24/7, incessant news feeds about it. Americans have lost their effin' minds. Hoarding has become an extreme sport. "Certain" assholes have figured out they can build a hefty nest egg if they ride around buying up all the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and Lysol. I guess they are going to sell it out of their car trunks on street corners for ten times the original price. I hold the businesses guilty too. Why are they letting one person bogart an item?
Then we have a leader who cannot read a teleprompter without sounding like a 4th grader in a Xmas play, who gives daily press conferences about nothing and promises everything. I suppose this is his new method of campaigning as cobbling together those rallies he usually does would violate the social distancing rule. We are rudder-less in a choppy sea.
Me? I stay calm. I take my beta carotene and garlic supplements, get adequate sleep, eat real food, limit watching the news and do the cheapeast thiing to kill 'Rona - WASH MY HANDS!
Though I will need toilet paper soon.

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